1st Meeting – November 13, 2013
After a few years of research, a group of descendants of Nicolas Matte and Madeleine Auvray set in motion the foundation of the Matte Association of America
Having each one of them friends in Quebec, Canada or the United States, they want to pool their research to pay tribute to their ancestor. This one being one of the families stem of Neuville.
Their first step will be to set up a website, a leaflet of the Association, highlight the site or sites like the Matte River located near the 365. It crosses the 138 and 365 and also the many streets Matte punctuating the County of Portneuf. Waiting for other valuations …
Thanks to their future members, they can consider a reunion to celebrate the 350 years of arrival of Nicolas Matte in Quebec City and physically highlight the place of the original land of the grandfather Nicolas and his wife. Spread throughout the continent, Matte is found in all provinces and as far as the Yukon, Los Angeles and the lower United States, not to mention the states near the border. Thanks to the impetus of Jeannine Matte Richardson of New Hampshire, whose grandfather was a native of Deschambault, exchanges led to the birth of this new Association. The people in the photo have begun to put the first steps of this new chick, have you informed in the coming weeks and how to be part of this group. Descendant of Nicolas Matte and Rémi Morissette, President of the Neuville Historical Society, who guides them in their first steps.

2 nd Meeting – December 2013
On the site are currently in preparation: Known Matte, Matte buildings, etc. Other topics will surely be discussed.

A section reserved for members of the Association will include a descendant family tree with capsules on each to enhance our knowledge of text, photos and even videos if possible. Have already done the story of Nicolas Matte, Madeleine Auvray, the history of the ancestral land in Neuville and part of the contracts of Nicolas Matte. They would like to add more information and it is the future members who can provide them. To physically identify the Matte River, the ancestral Matte Land, cause Matte gatherings throughout America, etc. are consider. On the website matte.com family; a newspaper, Mattes news, birth, birthday, meeting, union, departure, promotion, moving. As you read, many can be put together. It is with people like you that it is possible and taking time.
That you are from the corner, the vast region of Quebec City, at their next meeting of June 3 at 19 hours at the Neuville Historical Society, you must be there. They need you ; descendants, spouses or spouses of Matte.
If you elsewhere in Quebec, Canada and the United States knew friends with the name Matte, let them know that their Association needs members as qualified as you are. Take a look at the website: famillematte.com and fill out the membership form, no matter how easy it is, regardless of age or location. Be known to some descendants of the 9th and over of the 10th, 11th and even 12th generation, our future. Looking forward to hearing from Laurent, Nicolas or Alexis, son of Nicolas.

3 rd Meeting – June 3, 2014
Since last June’s meeting, the Matte Association of America has expanded further. The many people present were able to discuss their descendant and the functioning of their group. Whether on membership, pricing, website, coat of arms, data collected by all, identification of places Matte, newspaper, personal research and meetings. Many subjects in a very diverse environment of the descendants of Nicolas Matte and Madeleine Auvray.
Whether it’s Neuville, Pont-Rouge, Cap-Santé, St-Basile, Anc-Lorette, Quebec City, Ottawa, it’s in an atmosphere of discovery and good humor that everyone wants to meet again with new guests.

Whether you are a Matte or spouses, parents, friends, they will be happy to sit with you on Tuesday, September 30 at Plamondon Hall, City Hall Neuville, 230 rue du Pere Rhéaume for 19 h 30. Thank you for accepting this invitation. We will talk about information, the Association’s bilingual website, future meetings and more. Looking forward.
4 st Meeting – September 30, 2014
5 th Meeting of March 1, 2015
6 th Meeting of May 3, 2015

The Association had to date 2 acronyms that you find on some capsules.

This logo mainly represents the way the family has grown in harmony through the generations. Since the name Matte has French roots, the logo is a graphic representation of the plant as a lily flower – symbol of Quebec and France, to honor the tradition, heritage and family tree of the Matte family. You could also see a huge tree representing a stylized M.

The acronym, current, represents the way in which the family navigates through time and generations. Since the name Matte has French roots, the logo is a graphic representation of the ship that transported our ancestors Nicolas and Madeleine. Surrounded by (blue circle) other people, we proudly display our name (top ribbon) to honor the tradition, heritage and family tree of the Matte family. This one is heading for the future. Sailing through time (wave), we are ready to face the future.
The continuation of the History of the Matte Association of America continues with the newspaper’s publications, meetings and annual gatherings. We invite you to view and read the sections ¨l’Infor»MATTE»ur¨ and Social Encounters.