5e Gathering, june 15, 2019

4e Gathering, August 2018.
Meeting Quebec, december 10, 2017
3e Gathering, August 5, 2017

Meeting Montreal, april 30, 2017.
Quebec City Lunch, december 11, 2016
2e Gathering August 13, 2016

Montreal Lunch,may 2016
Hello to you, members of the Association of the Matte of America or friends of the Matte,
The next information are available on the website of the Association in French (Quebec flag): famillematte.org or in French (American flag).
1 – The date of the next meeting.
2 – for the public (friend of Matte) and members, the publication of the history of Neuville. Initial location of your ancestor Nicolas Matte family.
3 – for members only in the Member section:
The story of Nicolas Matte with his record of birth.
Currently this section is only available to members who have registered via the internet. Our webmaster is working on it to join all the others individually. You will receive a notice by e-mail.
N.B.: For past members, please be add to us. They fail to the Treasurer ([email protected]) some info to send you the correspondence. Want to join him by-e-mail to fill these please.
Our association is still a baby by 52 members currently. More than 10 members since the last meeting. Québec, U.S.A., Vancouver, Australia.
Thanks to Mr. Michel Matte us, Member of Parliament for the County have been awarded a grant. This allowed us to improve our site. Thank you Michel and your wife for coming to our last meeting.
To you all, go to the website for your Association with that more people go there more it gaining in importance and it is seen (old proverb).
Pleasure to meet you Claude Matte, President
1e Gathering, august 8-9, 2015