You have links here to visit other search sites.
If you have a research question you can use the Association’s Facebook page to ask your questions :
Note that for Matte, taking into account the lines made and published, we are ahead of them and include dead children or adults without descendants., the leading online source for genealogy in Canada, allows its members to search over 129 million Canadian genealogy documents.
Launched in 2006, the collection of historical documents from Canada’s history of Canada’s multicultural heritage allows members to learn about their family’s history through Canadian and international registries, including passenger lists, Canadian censuses, and more. censuses and birth, marriage and death records from England, Wales and Scotland, as well as genealogical trees provided by users and by communicating with millions of other members making their own discoveries. is part of theAnywhere network of Ancestry websites, which include in the United States, in the UK, in Australia, in Germany, Ancestry. it in Italy, in France, and in Sweden.
For his many resources concerning the French genealogy. For the consultation of millions of genealogical trees registered by genealogists from all over the world. For access to various French resources fed by the participants and intended for the pced search capabilities and additional sources. Thanks to Francoise Matte for theublic. Access to most data is free, but an annual subscription provides more advan link
for access to the religious copy of Quebec’s civil status registers for the period 1620 to 1900 and the quality of the images taken from the religious copy. For access to guardianship and trusteeship in the Quebec region for the period 1639 to 1900. For access to the Canadian census databases from 1825 to 1911, 1880-1922 passenger lists and 1800 notaries’ directories to 1920. For access to the registers of other Canadian provinces and several American states. For consulting different databases and original sources from several countries of the world
Genealogy of Quebec and French America

Facebook for Canadian Genealogy
Facebook for Canadian Genealogy is a list of more than 1,000 Facebook groups and pages that can help genealogists research their ancestors who lived in Canada. In addition to listing resources for all Canadian provinces and territories, I have included genealogical and historical societies, national and provincial archives, museums, military, photos, New France, British Home Children, First Nations, United Empire Loyalist groups, vintage photos, military history, and special interests — in English and French.
I encourage you to share my Facebook for Canadian Genealogy list in its entirety, but please give me credit. I also appreciate receiving suggestions for the list. You may download it here: Facebook for Canadian Genealogy May 2019.
Katherine R. Willson, who inspired me to produce the Canadian list, has assembled an international Facebook on Genealogy list that contains more than 13,000 groups and pages available in English.
For those with ancestors who lived Down Under, I encourage you to take a look at Alona Tester’s Australian History and Genealogy Groups and Pages on Facebook.
for its database from “gedcom” which offers thousands of information extracted from the civil status records of Quebec and Acadia. A great genealogical index that allows to find a birth, a marriage or a death quite easily but whose data remain to be validated with the original sources.
for the many genealogical research tools online. For records of the Civil Status of Quebec from 1900 to 1916 and acts of several notaries of Quebec of the 19th and 20th centuries. For access to almanacs and old newspapers such as Montreal Lovell. For searching archival documents in Pistardet direct access to many digitized documents. For Quebec postcards and numerous plans including those of fire insurance companies in several Quebec cities
Genealogy Quebec (french only ) :
Genealogy of North American Francs :
Specialty sites

This important database was created by Marcel Fournier in 1998 and is administered by the Quebec Federation of Genealogy Societies. One of the best databases of more than 6,200 pioneers and pioneers of New France and ancient Quebec from 1865. For useful information on the family of the migrant and his ancestry. For direct access to several digital baptismal records from French archives. For periodic updates of data. (French Only)
for access to sources on the history of New France and direct access to digitized documents in high resolution. For many lists of pioneers and migrants drawn from the Archives of the French Colonies and Departmental Archives such as the Amiraute of France and some notaries of La Rochelle. Detailed indexes for easy searching. Unfortunately, we will not find a list of passengers for all vessels registered in this database.
ly, we will not find a passenger list for all ships (French Only). a relevant search in the Canadian censuses of 1851 (1852), 1901, 1906 and 1911. For direct access to digitized archival documents to compare information compiled by indexers with handwritten sources of enumeration.

for an exceptionnal database on ships coming to New France from 1608 to 1760. Excavated references that allow to know on which ship our ancestors came to Canada. Detailed indexes for easy searching. Unfortunate
For access to several Canadian and foreign periodicals, including the Review of French American History (1947-2010), the Cahier des Dix (1936-2009), Cap-aux-Diamants (1985-2009) and Histoire- Quebec (2005-2010). For access to theses in the history of Canadian universities between 2001 and 2011. For the possibility of searching by keyword in one or all indexed periodicals.
Biographical Dictionary of Canada
Source: Marcel Fournier’s page (french only)